Saturday, December 15, 2007

Pictures of the ring

The camera obviously does not do it justice, but here's some pictures of the ring. Hopefully we'll get better ones soon!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Our big news...

We're engaged!!! Thursday I had my last final and I was told we were going out to celebrate that night and it was all a surprise. I was almost done getting ready when JM told me that he couldn't get the Christmas ornament he got me to stay on the tree right. Seriously? I'm trying to get ready!!!

Anyways, I went out to check the ornament because he seemed concerned about it. The ring was on the ornament, so when I took the ornament off the tree and turned around he was on one knee and asked "Will you marry me?"

Obviously, I said yes ;-) After that we went to dinner in Broad Ripple and then he had some of my friends meet us out at a bar and surprise me to celebrate. Tonight my parents took us out to dinner to celebrate as well. I don't think the enormity of it has sunk in all the way! I started reading this wedding workbook Lynds got me and was totally and completely overwhelmed. Yikes!!!

We have no idea the date or far it's the fall and Indy. We're trying to work around a couple of things (i.e. my brother's deployment) but my goal is to have the date and place finalized before we go back to school in a couple of weeks. I'm working full-time (as well as over-time) and have my best friend's wedding over the break, therefore it might not work out as well as I think it will!

I tried to upload pics of the ring but for some reason it's not working. I'll try again later!