Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Thank you Senator Bayh

Luckily, most of this doesn't apply to JM and I anymore. But I think it's a great step in helping Americans take charge in their credit card balances!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Lexapro weaning

I've only been taking Lexapro (10 mg...a low dose) for about a year now. It's a drug that's used to treat depression and anxiety. I've been taking it mostly for SAD. I meant to go off of it last summer but ended up just staying on. This spring I started feeling better with the weather getting nicer so my doctor and I decided it was ok to come off.

First, I took 5 mg daily. After 2 weeks of this, I switched to 2.5 mg daily. I guess I should've then gone to 2.5 mg every other day, but I thought it was going ok so I just stopped.

WARNING -- it sucks. Every single time my eyes change directions, I feel dizzy. It's just for a split second but it's horrible. I read online that your brain is mimicking a seizure for a split second...and that's how bad it feels. It's been enough to throw me off balance more than once now. And if that wasn't bad enough, you feel 'manic' attacks. You'll be fine, blah blah blah, and then suddenly are crying. You can't explain why or what set it off, but it stops as soon as it starts. Then you'll be fine again, and you're suddenly mad. Then you're fine, and suddenly ecstaticly happy.

All of these symptoms are also MUCH worse if you're tired. I started experiencing them on Monday and Thursday was my first day at work with them. It was so bad in the morning I even called the doctor's office to make sure it's ok to have them so severly. Later in the day they got better because I wasn't as tired anymore. Unfortunately, the doctor's office said it is normal and should go away within the next week or so. I had also asked if it was ok to do the mini marathon and the nurse said yes, just make sure you put a contact name on the back of your bib just in case. Ohhh...thanks!

Anyways, my reasoning for writing this was to help anyone else who is considering going off of it. The symptoms aren't as bad now (day 8 off), but they're still there. More importantly than any other thing is to make sure you have a good support system in place. Tell people close to you what you are about to do so they are ready for it. Make sure they know what to expect. And hopefully, they'll be great enough to give you a break for a couple of weeks.