Wednesday, August 3, 2011

New Baby Doctor Appointment

I had a routine appointment for the 'new' baby today.  The doctor and I talked a lot about the effects of having this baby and the damage that's been left from having Ali.  The symptoms of the fistula seem to be increasing as this pregnancy progresses.  I discussed this with my colorectal doctor the other day and he said the only thing he can do while I'm pregnant is a laparoscopic colectomy put in place during my pregnancy.  But, he highly advised against it due to the risk the procedure would create to the fetus.  My ob doesn't seem to think there's a risk and she's encouraging me to have it done.  I put some thought into it, and I'm not doing it.  I'm not going through the next 7 months with a bag of poop...plain and simple.  My ob doesn't think the fistula should get any worse during the rest of the pregnancy because once the initial moving around of things during the first trimester, the baby shouldn't be resting on those muscles.  But, she also said she didn't think the fistula should get worse as it already has. 

We did get to hear the heartbeat outside my stomach...which she said really shouldn't happen this early on, so that was exciting.  It took forever to find and she only caught it for a sec, but it was there.   She's going by the ultrasound, so I'm currently 12 1/2 weeks along with a due date of 2/12/12.  Again, I'll have a c-section so it will be scheduled somewhere around 2/5/12. 

I thought the nausea was easing up a bit this week, but today has been pretty rough.  I went to yoga and the first time in down dog I went straight to the bathroom...which just makes my stomach upset for the rest of the day. 

Hopefully no new news on the baby front until the next appointment in 4 weeks!