Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Don't make me go...

I started my week of clinicals at a particular downtown Indy hospital this week. Before I went, I considered it the 'scariest hospital in Indy'. Wow...I was right! It's horrible. Too many of our patients are prisoners with huge chains around their ankles. The nurses have to keep them sedated for OUR safety. It sucks.
I had one patient yesterday which was a prisoner who was intubated (breathing tube down his throat), sedated, restrained with the cloth restraints on each limb and then in addition his ankles were chained. Today I had him again and he was doing really well. So on my suggestion, the doctor ok'd him to be extubated, I did it myself and then treated him for the scratches he had in his throat. Of all the people he should've been nice to today, it was me.
I went in after lunch and the police officer who was guarding his room told me that she had tried to talk to the nurse, but no one seemed to understand. Turns out, they had unrestrained his wrists. He is now not sedated, not restrained, and able to speak and eat and all of that good stuff. I even tried to talk to people because the cop couldn't tell me what he had done, but she made it very clear that this wasn't a good situation. Thing is, you can't restrain a patient without a doctor's order. The cop's comment was..."but he's a prisoner". Yea, I agree.
Anyways, of course I was an idiot and reached across him to turn an alarm off because I thought he was asleep and he grabbed my arm and pulled me across him and said something very unacceptable. I got the joy of punching him in the arm (although to this massive man, it probably felt like a light breeze) and then seeing 2 cops react at an amazing speed. I was quite impressed.
Ok, that's enough for now. It's actually past my bedtime...I need to get to bed so I can enjoy my wonderful 12 hour shift tomorrow bright-eyed and bushy tailed. 7 days left at this hospital.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ewww...that doesn't sound fun. Not at ALL. You are SO much braver than me. If I were you, I would be vowing to never, ever go back. Blech.