Friday, October 19, 2007


I thought it took me a long time to update this last time! Guess I was able to lengthen that one.

Things are still really busy. I'm at Seton Specialty Center for my current clinical rotations. It's a long-term care facility...and pretty depressing. There's so many terminal weans. Granted, there are the patients that get better and move on to rehab centers, but not enough.

I really enjoyed my last rotation. After being at Riley's Pediatric ICU I thought there was no way I would ever be able to work with children. I didn't like anything about it. Then I went to St. Vincent's Women's Hospital in the Neonatal ICU. It was amazing...I loved everything about it. The doctor's were all called by their first names and they would ask the RT's what they thought should be done. Those are things that don't happen in bigger hospital settings.

I'm still working at University Hospital, I worked today in fact. It's going well -- it's great money but long ours. Guess I need to get used to those shifts!

I'm taking the rest of the weekend off to celebrate my birthday...yes, the national holiday. It's not until Tuesday but JM is leaving for Georgia Sunday and will miss it. The Army is sending him there for 2 weeks for some training. Last year he missed my birthday because he was in Iraq, now it's some other Army thing...I think he's just making stuff up now! Kidding. He gave me my presents tonight which he did wonderful with. I got a Joel Olsteen book as well as a James Patterson book. He got me an Office t-shirt that goes along with my favorite saying from the show. When Dwight asks Stanley what the ratio is between Schrute bucks and Stanley nickels, Stanley says, "It's the same as the ratio between unicorns and leprichauns". Priceless. Then, for the big finale, he got us tickets to see Dane Cook when he comes to town in a couple of weeks. I'm so excited, I love Dane Cook and I didn't even know he was coming to Indy.

Tomorrow we're going to just spend the day together which we never seem to be able to do anymore. Between school and work and clinicals...we get about an hour together each day and I'm always exhausted and decompressing. We're either going to go to the Oliver Winery and hang out in the nice field or go to the Covered Bridge Festival which I've never been to. Then we're going out to dinner with Mom and Dad at Harry and Izzie's downtown. It's a new place so it should be good.

Ok, that's enough for now. TGIF!

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