Saturday, February 19, 2011


I started Ali on bananas this week. I know I said I was going to move on to sweet potatoes but I couldn't get to the store and we had bananas on hand.  I hadn't been able to take a picture yet because she eats it so fast!
Today I mixed a square of banana with a square of avocado. I didn't add any baby milk because 1) she had a couple of ounces first and 2) I had used the food processor on both fruits so they were very smooth and thin. She ate both squares! Such a big girl! You could tell she didn't like it as much as just the banana, but I want her to get used to different tastes.
Side note, I miss baby milk-only poop!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

We're mobile! Kind of...

And we're rolling!!! Woo hoo!!!  Ali was wanting to be difficult and had yet to roll over.  I wasn't real concerned, it's not like she's going to end up being 18 and still not able to roll over, but it was annoying!  The 'average' baby rolls from belly to back around 4 months and then back to belly around 6 months. 

Leave it to Ali to do things backwards and all at once.  Nani was watching her today and she rolled from her back to her belly (so advanced!) for the first time.  And you know what for?  The remote!!!  If there was any question before, it's clear now that this is DEFINITELY JM's child :-)  Here's a pic...

Luckily for me, Ali repeated the roll when I got home from work.  But I was still annoyed that she wasn't doing the roll she should have been doing a month ago!  So, I'm doing her nightly baby massage and she's on her belly.  She sees her teething ring a little to the side, reaches for it but can't get it.  You can actually see her thinking about it, then she flips her head back, throws her body, and rolls from belly to back to grab the ring.  She reached 2 milestones today!!!  Silly girl.  Guess there just needed to be something she wanted badly enough!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

5 months old!!!

I can hardly believe it, but little Miss Ali Vi is 5 months old now!!!

Friday, February 11, 2011


We tried our first "real" food today!  Technically our first food was rice cereal and we did that a few days after our 4 month check up, but most babies start on rice cereal.  We are counting avocado as our first food! 
Update...Rice cereal went over pretty well.  I had hoped to wait until Ali turned 6 months to start solid foods.  The American Association of Pediatricians now recommends waiting till 6 months as it's starting to be shown that the earlier solid foods are started the higher the baby's chance of obesity later in life.  Obviously, JM and I are tall (and bigger) people so she is going to be pre-disposed for this anyways and I had hoped to decrease any outside chances for her.  Our pediatrician, however, is very pro-4 month starting. Another reason it's recommended to wait until 6 months is for allergies but JM and I have no food allergies so I wasn't concerned about that. 
I went back and forth and finally just let Ali decide.  There are a few criteria to see if the baby is ready to eat solids and she was well past ready!  She was INCREDIBLY interested in our food, to the point that when you would put something in your mouth she would watch and chew as well.  She was trying to take food off our plates...she was ready.  She took to rice cereal pretty well, it obviously took a few days to get the hang of it.  She still gets bored with it easily, but eating isn't for caloric intake at this time, just to introduce her to eating.
Then I had to decide which food to start first.  Again, they're debunking the idea that starting with bananas makes the baby not want veggies in the future so that wasn't a big concern for me.  Plus, has anyone else tried breastmilk?  Honestly, you can confess.  It's so freaking sweet that if anything's going to cause her to have a sweet tooth it'll be that!  But then I read how good for you avocadoes are and it seemed a little unique so we went with that.  The first day she did NOT like it, but a friend of mine told me that it takes about 30 days to develop a taste for the baby so we're sticking to it.  The next day she still didn't care for it much so I mixed it with her cereal and she ate it happily.  I kept mixing more and more every bite and she never seemed to notice until I ended up with a whole ice cube square in the cereal and there was much more avocado than cereal and she ate the whole bowl.  Here are some pictures of the happy girl!  I'm at work and can't get them to align correctly so please excuse the un-aesthetically pleasing alignment!

Stayed tuned...after a few more days of avocado I'm going to start her on sweet potatoes!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Making the blog private

 Unfortunately, I've decided to make my blog private.  We have some issues going on (ridiculous, but a family member telling a mutual friend stuff and then that friend posting it on facebook...seriously, I feel like I'm on Springer or something lately) and I'm just not comfortable letting the world have access to this.  Not like I post anything too bad, there's just some people that I don't want able to read it...trying to decrease the drama ;-)  I'll be sending out an 'invitation' to have access.  If you don't receive an invitation and would like one, please let me know!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

I can help shovel!!!

Like most of the country, we had ridiculous weather the last week or so.  A few inches of ice and then a few inches of snow on top of that made for some horribly slick roads and driveways...including ours.  The day of the ice storm JM was in charge of Ali while I was at a friend's funeral so we didn't get a head start on the driveway.  This was one of the first days when you could make any headway on the driveway so JM was out working in it.  He only has one day off a week and I felt bad, so Ali and I went out to help him (even though she wanted a nap).  I don't think we were much help ;-)
Daddy and his helper

Mommy and Ali weren't helping at all

Snow cute!

Family in the snow

Saying bye to Daddy so we could go nap while he kept working