Monday, May 14, 2007

California came and went too fast

My vacation in California was wonderful. The main purpose was to get things done and ready for Greg's arrival. When JM returned from Iraq there were so many little things he had to do...get his car tuned up, buy new toiletries, unpack, get groceries...a million little things instead of getting to just relax and enjoy being on US soil for a couple of days. I wanted to get all those things done for Greg so he could have some time to adjust without HAVING to do anything. I guess I also had an alteriative motive. If he didn't have as much to do, he'd spend more time in Indiana with us!!!

Anyways, after this semester of school and especially finals week, I really needed to get away. Just take a break from everything. I flew out on Tuesday and Trish and Kayla were sweet and picked me up from the airport. It was nice to get off a long flight and see friendly faces. Greg's apartment wasn't as bad as I had anticipated. It wasn't great, but it could have been much, much worse!

I spent my mornings cleaning, doing laundry, and running errands. Then I'd go to the beach and take a nap in the sand and then walk up and down the ocean's edge for a little exercise. Then I'd grab dinner and head back to the apartment, clean some more and then sit on his awesome porch, drink a Corona Lite and read my book. It was so relaxing...and I hope I got a lot done to help Greg out.

The funniest thing was his truck. AAA came on the first day to re-connect his truck battery since I was clueless. When the guy opened up the hood he said mice must've been in there because there was feces in there. You could hear some scurrying so we figured they vacated when we opened it up. That was Tuesday. On Friday morning I took his truck in to get tuned up. When they opened up the air coolant compartment to clean the air filter, a rat jumped out! It had nesting and food and everything in there...a little home! And it had stayed in there while I drove it around and washed it! I actually felt bad. The little thing got scared, lost its home, and was left in a strange place!

Here's a couple of pictures of my trip...

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