Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Little girl's first

I was in the living room getting ready this morning with the windows open and I heard a bird chirping. It sounded really close to our open windows, which was odd because the birds don't come that close because a predator (aka Boo) is usually in the window. I looked, and no birds. What in the world? Turns out it was Boo. It was the funniest thing to watch. She would hear them chirp and then make different noises at different pitches until she thought it sounded like them. Our little girl is growing up :-)

Monday, April 21, 2008

Finals have begun!

I had my first final this morning! It went very very badly, but I don't really care at this point. I have clinicals tomorrow, another final on Wednesday, last day of clinic on Thursday and then a final on Monday morning. After that...I'M DONE!!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Word to the wise

Never get a pedicure right before a race. Especially a race you haven't technically been training for.

Mom and I went for our spring pedicures last Friday and it was wonderful. Then Saturday morning I had the 15K training for the mini. (FYI, I'm walking it). The first four miles I'm doing great. My pace was averaging about 14:30/mile and I felt like I could go forever. It was cold and even started raining, but still felt good.

During the fourth mile, I started feeling blisters coming on. To make a long story short, by the seventh mile I was in excruciating pain. The last mile I was seriously walking on my toes. I refused to stop because...well, I was being stubborn. It was horrible!!! So, lesson learned. Never get a pedicure and have your feet all soft and smooth before 9 miles!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day in surgery

We had our third to last day of clinic today! We got to stand in on two surgeries, a thoracotomy and a coronary artery bypass graft x 3. The thoracotomy was very interesting for me because the patient happened to be the gunshot wound I had on Tuesday. It was neat to see the patient progress. They were able to get about a liter of blood out of his lung...and that was after 2 days of having a chest tube in to drain! Hopefully this will clear him out. We looked at the x-rays and he literally missed his heart by centimeters.
Did anyone get to watch the new Office tonight? I was cracking up. It was a little much at times, but it was great to have a new episode!
I'm going to the salon tomorrow. I have my first hair appointment with Michelle! Very exciting!!! I feel bad for her though...I haven't even had a trim since November!!! Mom and I are getting our annual "Welcome spring" pedicures afterwards. I have a 15K the next morning, hopefully it won't mess up my pedicure!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


I'm currently at Methodist Hospital for clinic in the ICU. Today was a rather depressing day. One of my patients is over 400 pounds (down 200) and has been in ICU on a ventilator since November. My other patient was a gun-shot wound that came in last night. When I was getting report on him I thought it might be some exciting story, but nope, it was self-inflicted. He was with it today so it was hard seeing his kids come in and him mouth 'I'm so sorry' to them.
My third patient was an older woman who had been in Hawaii for the last few months and was starting to feel short of breath. So when she got back to Indiana, she went to the hospital and it turns out she had pneumonia. Long story short, she had to be intubated and this morning I was able to extubate her...yay! She did great all day, weak, but she did an awesome job. Her husband was there and we chatted a lot. Poor guy has been sitting next to her bed for a couple of weeks in an ICU where there's no one to talk to. When I was getting done, he asked if I'd be back tomorrow and I told him no, I'm back on Thursday but she'll be in a regular unit by then (God-willing). He walked over, gave me a hug, and thanked me. He said, "Thank you for the care you've shown with my wife and I today". It's sentences like that which make the extra student loans worth it.

Monday, April 7, 2008

75th Anniversary

Today is the 75th anniversary of the 21st Amendment. Therefore, I propose everyone buy a drink today to celebrate the end of prohibition!