Friday, April 18, 2008

Word to the wise

Never get a pedicure right before a race. Especially a race you haven't technically been training for.

Mom and I went for our spring pedicures last Friday and it was wonderful. Then Saturday morning I had the 15K training for the mini. (FYI, I'm walking it). The first four miles I'm doing great. My pace was averaging about 14:30/mile and I felt like I could go forever. It was cold and even started raining, but still felt good.

During the fourth mile, I started feeling blisters coming on. To make a long story short, by the seventh mile I was in excruciating pain. The last mile I was seriously walking on my toes. I refused to stop because...well, I was being stubborn. It was horrible!!! So, lesson learned. Never get a pedicure and have your feet all soft and smooth before 9 miles!

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