Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day in surgery

We had our third to last day of clinic today! We got to stand in on two surgeries, a thoracotomy and a coronary artery bypass graft x 3. The thoracotomy was very interesting for me because the patient happened to be the gunshot wound I had on Tuesday. It was neat to see the patient progress. They were able to get about a liter of blood out of his lung...and that was after 2 days of having a chest tube in to drain! Hopefully this will clear him out. We looked at the x-rays and he literally missed his heart by centimeters.
Did anyone get to watch the new Office tonight? I was cracking up. It was a little much at times, but it was great to have a new episode!
I'm going to the salon tomorrow. I have my first hair appointment with Michelle! Very exciting!!! I feel bad for her though...I haven't even had a trim since November!!! Mom and I are getting our annual "Welcome spring" pedicures afterwards. I have a 15K the next morning, hopefully it won't mess up my pedicure!

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