Thursday, May 29, 2008

Book reviews by me

I've been reading (fun books!) like crazy since school got out. It's so nice to have time! Although I really should be spending more time studying for my board exams, I feel like I need to catch up on my books!

Connie introduced me to Jodi Picoult who I have found to be an amazing author. The first book of hers I read was My Sister's Keeper and it was beyond words. The writing, the story, incredible. I HIGHLY suggest this book to anyone. It's about a young girl who's older sister is sick and needs various transplants...from her. It's a very interesting and thought-provoking read.

Then I read Nineteen Minutes. Still very good, but not as good My Sister's Keeper. It involves a school shooting by a boy who's bullied throughout most of his life.

I decided to take a bit of a break and read Memory Keeper's Daughter. A woman has twins and the girl baby has Downs Syndrome. The father sends the nurse away with the baby girl which she ends up raising as her own in a time where most children with Downs' didn't survive. The father tells the mother that the baby girl died in child birth and the book revolves around these lies. I thought it was a very well-written book, but the topic was so depressing. Don't read it if you need a pick me up!

Then I read James Patterson's new one, Sundays at Tiffany's. It was GREAT! If you're familiar with Patterson, toss everything you think you know about his writing out the window. It's completely un-Patterson and a great read. I finished it in 2 nights :-) It's the story of a girl's childhood imaginary friend reappearing in her life. Like I said, you have to just go with the story and not think too much about it, just enjoy it.

Finally, I just finished Change of Heart. Had to go back to Picoult! This is her new one in which a terrible crime happens. The story is years later and how one man on death row can make everyone question their faith and beliefs. Again, took me 2 nights :-) I think I have a problem!

Tonight I'm going to try to get to bed at a decent time and not stay up reading till midnight! Good night!

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