Friday, April 30, 2010

It's going to be a girl!!!

We went for our ultrasound on Wednesday to get all the measurements and find out the sex of the baby.  Everything is measuring right on track.  The legs are a little long, putting her a little ahead of schedule, but JM and I are both tall so that was to be expected.  Other than that, she's right on time and developing perfectly!  After the first couple of minutes she became very uncooperative and the tech was very frustrated trying to get the measurements.  It took forever (at least it seemed), but all measurements were done and the gender was even determined. 

I was completely positive it was a boy and JM felt the same way it was a girl.  Halfway through the ultrasound the tech just puts on the screen "It's a girl!!!"  I was floored!  I even made her prove it to me!  (Yes, I was that annoying patient).  I asked if they just look for an absence of a penis or is there a way to actually tell.  She said there are three lines for the labia if it's a girl, and there are obviously 3 lines and no penis.  For the first time in our relationship, JM was right and I was wrong ;-)  I'm just hoping she doesn't have any gender identity issues because I've been calling her "he" this whole time!

We even had a bet on the sex and if JM won, we have to go to a Cubs game this summer.  I'm still looking for a way out of that.  I personally think being pregnant and sitting in a car for 3 hours each way AND sitting at a game where everyone else is drunk should be enough of a reason, but we'll see if it holds up :-)

Click on the title of the post and it takes you to the album.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A very missed due date

Tomorrow is the day of the missed baby's due date.  I was kind of hoping I would've forgotten the actual date by the time it came around, but those kind of dates stick with you it seems.  Of course I forget the date we found out we were pregnant, the date we told people...but by golly I remember the date I miscarried, the missed due date, all of those things. 

The daffodils we planted helped a lot through the earlier part of this month.  I knew the date was approaching and then the woman at work's daughter in law had the baby and that daffodil (that one solitary bloom) kept making me smile.  Unfortunately, it's done blooming now so I feel like there's  nothing really to hold on to.  I know JM feels it too, but goodness, men handle things a lot differently than women. 

I decided to take tomorrow off work.  Not so much because I knew I'd be sad or anything like that.  More for the fact that I want to remember.  I don't want to spend the day busy at work and then get home, pass out, and wake up the next morning realizing I didn't cherish the day in any way.  Granted, I have no idea how I'm going to do that, but I have the whole day to figure it out.  My mom is going to take the day off as well, so we can come up with something together.  Tomorrow night is a "new mom's" presale at an upscale consignment sale so we'll go to that.  Maybe head down to Edinburgh to the maternity clothes outlet and see if I can find anything to wear for the summer.  But whatever we decide to do, my missed baby will be always be in my heart.

18 Week Check Up

Wonderfully, nothing new going on here :-)  We went to the doctor today for a routine 4 week check up and everything seems on schedule.  We were able to hear the heartbeat again, it gets a little louder each time.  I think the baby was moving around a lot today because it took the doctor a minute (what seemed like an hour) to find the heartbeat and even then it was soft.  She said that has a lot to do with how active they are.  We had a lot of questions this week, which we hadn't before.  The further along we get and the more real it is, the more I want to know!  Sushi is still out unless it's california rolls or stuff like that.  Thing is, I know they don't wash the cutting boards and knives in between rolls when they're making sushi, so the contamination is still present.  Wine is ok as long as it's not a bottle a day ;-)  Darn!  Kidding. 

Like the title says, we're 18 weeks along now.  I started feeling the baby move almost 2 weeks ago.  It took about a week before I realized it wasn't just gas, ha ha.  The feeling isn't regular yet, but it's definitely there.

The highlight of the appointment was being told we can come back in 1-2 weeks for the ultrasound and we were able to get an appontment next Wednesday afternoon!  We are so excited!!!  We'll take a DVD so we can show everyone afterwards.  Oddly enough, that's Mom's birthday so telling her the sex will be her birthday present!

Hope everyone's doing well...that's the update on our sweet potato sized Ladi this week!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

4/1/10 Update

Today I realized I should probably tell my doctor's office about my fall at work on Sunday.  I called and told the receptionist, then later on I received a call from the nurse saying the doctor would like to see me just to check me out herself.  I was in the area running some errands so I stopped in.

Not only did they find the heartbeat...they found 3.  Yep, triplets.