Wednesday, April 21, 2010

18 Week Check Up

Wonderfully, nothing new going on here :-)  We went to the doctor today for a routine 4 week check up and everything seems on schedule.  We were able to hear the heartbeat again, it gets a little louder each time.  I think the baby was moving around a lot today because it took the doctor a minute (what seemed like an hour) to find the heartbeat and even then it was soft.  She said that has a lot to do with how active they are.  We had a lot of questions this week, which we hadn't before.  The further along we get and the more real it is, the more I want to know!  Sushi is still out unless it's california rolls or stuff like that.  Thing is, I know they don't wash the cutting boards and knives in between rolls when they're making sushi, so the contamination is still present.  Wine is ok as long as it's not a bottle a day ;-)  Darn!  Kidding. 

Like the title says, we're 18 weeks along now.  I started feeling the baby move almost 2 weeks ago.  It took about a week before I realized it wasn't just gas, ha ha.  The feeling isn't regular yet, but it's definitely there.

The highlight of the appointment was being told we can come back in 1-2 weeks for the ultrasound and we were able to get an appontment next Wednesday afternoon!  We are so excited!!!  We'll take a DVD so we can show everyone afterwards.  Oddly enough, that's Mom's birthday so telling her the sex will be her birthday present!

Hope everyone's doing well...that's the update on our sweet potato sized Ladi this week!

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