Monday, December 27, 2010

Let it out

Every so often, something happens and I just have to complain.  My husband will probably tell you that it happens all the time ;-).  But sometimes complaining to him isn't enough, I still feel like it's bottled up inside of me and I'll explode if I don't talk about it.  So, here we are. 
I occasionally am known to view others from my pedestal.  Occasionally.  But there are some things that I hope I will never ever do.
Now that I'm a parent, there is nothing in this world I wouldn't give or do for my child.  As a matter of fact, I'm writing this while working a night shift.  Most of you know that before Ali there was no way I would've EVER even considered doing this.  But we could use the money for me so I needed to pick up more shifts but I hate being away from her.  This way the only thing I miss out on is putting her to bed.  It sucks, but she doesn't even know I'm gone.  Then tomorrow her and I get to take our naps together!  And she's worth every second of it.
This is how I was raised.  My parents would have and still would move heaven and earth for me if I needed them.  This is how all my friends and the rest of my family was raised.  This is the only way I know.  My relationships with others, my work, and my marriage will always remain important to me and I will continue to work on them, but Ali takes presidence. 
So how in the world could a parent not speak to their child on Christmas.  No, there was no argument or anything like that.  The parent just didn't have time I guess.  The child even called the parent and left a message.  But the parent couldn't take 30 seconds out of their day to call and just say Merry Christmas.
I'm making a vow to myself that no one, including myself, will ever be more important than my child.  I truly believe this is how you raise confident children.  By making sure they know they are loved and cared about.  Not just assuming they know.  But by showing them, even when they're adults.

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