Monday, December 27, 2010

Catching up on Ali

I guess since I haven't blogged in months I'll do a catch up! 

Alice Violet Ladislas was born on Sept. 26th at 11:29 a.m.  I was induced 2 weeks early because of the pre-eclampsia.  I had been on bedrest for 4 weeks leading up to that, so I was very happy to be induced. 

We went in to the hospital on Saturday night.  The plan was for them to put cream on my cervix at 9 pm and 1 am which would soften it to help it dilate.  Then at 5 am they would start the pitocin to get contractions to start.  At 9 am my doctor would round and break my water. 

The first dose was put on my cervix at 9 pm while I was dilated to 1 and effaced 75%.  My family, JM and I hung out in the hospital room watching tv and just goofing off, trying to pass the time.  Then at 1 am another dose was put on my cervix.  I believe I was dilated to 2 and completely effaced...not the progress they were hoping to see.

I took advantage of the offer of Ambien to help me sleep and around 3 am I woke up with a weird feeling.  I woke JM up and had him help me to the bathroom which is where my water broke on its own.  We were both kind of shocked and not real sure what happened at first!  Our nurse was very surprised and said in her experience, rarely does your water break on its own when you're induced. 

As soon as my water broke the contractions started fast and hard.  I was in a lot of pain and asked if it was too early to get the epidural.  The nurse said if my contractions were strong enough to break my water on its own, then it was definitely an ok time!  They came right in and placed the epidural which was a little difficult because my contractions were so close together he had to keep stopping to let me breathe for them. 

After the epidural was placed I was given my first dose of pain meds which knocked me out.  I woke up around 9 when my doctor came in for rounds.  Just for the heck of it my doctor checked me herself while she was in there.  I was completely dilated and effaced!  Talk about a great labor, I went from 2 cm to 10 cm in my sleep!  Of course that was the only easy part ;-)

I pushed for about 2 hours but Ali's little head (she really did have an incredibly small head) got stuck on my pelvic bone somehow.  I pushed and pushed and pushed but I couldn't get her head to pop over the bone.  The doctor came in and had to use forceps, which of course gave me a 4th degree tear (yes, for those of you who don't know, that's a COMPLETE tear).  But Ali popped right out when she used the forceps and she was perfect!  Quite the conehead at first but it fixed itself within a couple of days.

My mom was in the delivery room with us which worked out great because JM was able to go be with Ali while they stitched me up and my mom held my hand.  Everything else is kind of a blur but I know it all worked out great.  My dad, brother and Dara were at the hospital and got to come in after we were all cleaned up.  They all (and my mom) pretty much lived at the hospital while we were there bringing in good food and such which was greatly appreciated.

Since then Ali has been the greatest thing to happen in my life.  She amazes me more and more every day.  I never knew you could feel a love like this.  She holds her head up like a pro and smiles all the time.  She cries maybe once a day and it's usually because she's too tired.  She started sleeping through the night at 2 months old and hasn't woken up during the night since.  Truly the perfect baby.

I went back to work at the beginning of December and we've been very blessed to not have to use daycare.  My mom cares for her most of the time, with Dara and JM filling in other times.  Since JM took this third job I don't have to work 3 days a week anymore.  I scheduled myself for Tuesdays from here on out because Ali can go to work with Mom (Nani) in the morning and then my mom takes her home for the afternoon.  To try to catch up on our bills I think I'm going to pick up Sunday nights because JM's off on Sundays so we can spend the day as a family, then he can put her to bed Sunday night and I'm home Monday morning when she wakes up.  Her and I will take our naps together and she'll never even know I was gone. 

We've done a lot in the last 3 months.  Ali was dedicated at church on Dec. 12th, was a lamb for Halloween, went to her first pumpkin patch....lots of good stuff.  Here's a link to our pictures so you can look through them all!

We also had our dear friend take her 3 month/Christmas pictures.  I absolutely love her pictures and she has an amazing style.  Ali absolutely loves her and the pictures turn out wonderful!  Here's a link to the website, click 'client moments', then our name and the password is "Ali".

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