Sunday, October 9, 2011

It's October already?!?

My oh my, where does the time go?  We've been busy bees and Ali is keeping us on our toes!  I'm not sure if I mentioned this in the last post, but Ali had her one year appointment.  She's growing like a weed...only gained 2 pounds but grew almost 6 inches!  She no longer looks like a baby at all.  Even the chubbiness around her face is gone. 

Ali is still doing her music classes except Nani will be taking her from now on.  I've switched my work day to Wednesday so that I can join the moms group at church on Tuesday nights.  I think I'll sign her up for a painting class at the end of October so I can still take her to something.

We had her little friend, Addalyn's, first birthday party yesterday.  It was quite fun and Ali had her first pb & j.  Definitely a hit.  They say to wait until about 2 years old for peanut butter because of allergies, but I realized I eat pb ALL the time.  I put it on my waffles, sandwiches, ice she's been exposed plenty.

Jennie took her 1 year photos this week.  It was an absolutely beautiful fall day (although it was about 80 degrees, we dressed like it was fall!).  The leaves had changed and the sky was perfectly blue . JM got out of his class that day early so we even got family photos, which we hadn't gotten yet.  We started out at Forest Park in Noblesville on the train tracks then finished at Potters Bridge with the river and covered bridge.  Ali tolerated the pictures pretty well...luckily she adores Jennie because she was in a bit of a grumpy mood, we have some teeth coming in.  Plus, Jennie brought her son, Cam, who is just a few months older than Ali and she's fascinated with everything he does!  It was hard to get JM to act natural and not so posed, but by the end he was getting the hang of it.  I don't like pictures where your hand is placed exactly here and your head is tilted slightly left!  The more natural the better!

I finished my cake decorating class.  I absolutely loved it and have to say, I can do some cool things now!  The instructor runs Flying Cupcake so you know she's good.  They've cancelled the second class for October so I'm hoping to take it in either November or December, but it will depend on the day and if I can find anyone to watch Ali those nights.  I'd like to get all 3 classes in before the baby comes but I don't see that happening. 

I've picked up some extra shifts so things are a bit more hectic, but it should help a bit financially.  I start Wednesdays this week which will be an adjustment.  I think it will work out nicely because I often pick up Sundays and it stunk to only have Monday off before the next shift.  Now I'll have a bit more time to accomplish things.  We have our first outing Saturday with the families of the moms group.  We're going to the pumpkin patch we actually went to last year for our anniversary.  Ali should have much more fun this year!

I can't believe we're about to hit our 3 year anniversary.  With JM's on-the-job training and our financial situation we couldn't really get away or plan anything bit.  So Ali is having a sleep over at Nani's and we got a hotel at the new JW Marriott downtown.  I think we'll have dinner out and maybe grab a play and then just enjoy a night away from home. 

Ali received her first Halloween package in the mail from Aunt Judy the other day.  She was so funny opening it.  She saw the stuffed pumpkin as soon as I opened the box and she had to grab it and hug it.  Then I opened the first book and she grabbed that and started reading it to the pumpkin.  She's so stinking funny!  It's seriously something new every day.  Just this week she learned how big she is (so big!), where her nose is, how to point, how to ask 'What's that?' (although it comes out 'dat!'), and where her shoes and her hat go. 

Time to get back to work, hope everyone is doing well!

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