Friday, October 28, 2011

24 Weeks

We had our 24 week appointment today for Baby 2.  JM's schedule has been all screwy this week but it worked out because he got to go with me, which meant Ali went, too.  I haven't been able to take her with me to any kind of doctors appointment.  We've discovered she does NOT tolerate seeing other people touch me.  I thought it was just the OB appointments and somehow she knew to be jealous already, but I took her with me to the regular doctor the other week and she completely flipped out when they removed this little skin hemorrhage.  Just today the girl took my blood pressure and Ali mean-mugged her beyond belief!

Anyways, baby is fine.  Heart beat is around 150 and she kicked the doctor ;-)  I've been working really hard on the exercises from physical therapy and I've had no symptoms of problems from the fistula.  Sooooo...I was able to convince the doctor to not have a c-section!  I know they're supposedly easier and all of that, but I didn't want one for a few reasons.  One, I know what to expect the other way (and I know what the worst pain feels like!).  Second, you can't lift for an extended period after a c-section and I just don't think that will work.  I'll have a 17 month old who will be slightly jealous and need attention.  And, I'll have a newborn and a 17 month old in the dead of winter who all need to be carried or put in the carseat, etc.  JM won't be able to take much time (if any) off of work.  My mom can probably take a few days off to help, but not the entire time I'm not allowed to lift!  So anyways, I'm excited.  JM's a little hesistant because there is the chance that it makes the whole situation worse.  But, my main problem is the severed sphincter.  Worse comes to worse, I tear again and then she can stitch that up after delivery.  And I've now proven that I can decrease the problems with the fistula by physical therapy.  So it works for me!

When we go back for our last 4 week appointment (the day before Thanksgiving) she wants to do another ultrasound.  She said the baby is measuring big...well, the uterus size is big.  I'm not concerned at all (a little excited to see the peanut!).  For one thing, I've always thought my due date is two weeks before what the doctor thought.  So this would just prove me right!  Also, I seem to be carrying her incredibly high.  Ali was high, but not like this.  The lowest I've felt her at all is just about my belly button.  I can already feel her pressing against my diaphragm and my lungs because it's hard to breathe.  I'm sure it's one of those two things!

Ali dressed up in her Halloween costume for a party at the Y tonight.  She handled it pretty well.  I'll post pictures later when I upload them.  Depending on when JM goes to work we're going to either go to the zoo or up to a festival in Noblesville for Halloween tomorrow. 

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