Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Homefront update

We're surviving!!!  JM has really stepped it up the last week or so and the house is being run almost as smoothly as if it were me ;-)  The only problem has been when he's at work, but my parents have been a huge help during that time.  My mom is taking Ali almost daily for playtime at the Y and she even spent the night one night when he was gone.  My dad toted me to 3 doctors appointments in one day!  They've been huge lifesavers.  But when JM's home, he really seems to have it under control.  Especially when he's home, we just want people to come over and visit.  Give Ali and I a change of scenery!  We're especially trying to take advantage of the days he is home to get Ali and I out of the house.  Who cares if we have plenty of food in the freezer, let's go out to lunch!   That food's for when we need help anyways, so why waste it on a lunch?!?

My sister- and brother- in-law were great when they were here on Saturday.  Their girls entertained Ali and taught her how to use stickers.  Siri did things like just saw the trash needed to go out and just did it.  Brett noticed my toilet was running (that had been driving me nuts...I used the extent of my knowledge of jiggling the handle which didn't work) and just fixed it.  There wasn't a whole "what can I do" or trying to butt it when I was trying to do things myself. 

Especially with Ali.  It's been almost 2 weeks since I've made her a meal or rocked her before bed or given her a nap or dressed her or even given her a bath.  Since I've been feeling a little better the last couple of days I've tried to do these things myself.  Granted, JM has to bring me Ali and her clothes, but it's giving me an opportunity to dress her.  We had someone come over who tried to do those things claiming they never get to ...but thing is, I'm her mom and I haven't gotten to...and I get dibs.  JM and I just wanted to scream 'let us do this'.  It's frustrating enough to not be able to run your house and care for your daughter when those were your two major jobs.  But then when someone comes in and tries to do the few things you can, or keeps trying to do things that don't necessarily need to be done, it makes it so much more frustrating.  It makes me feel like people are noticing the house isn't perfectly clean.  And it makes me feel like I'm falling behind and really stresses me out.  If we're ok with how the house is, then let us live in our own little fantasy world!

I can tell Ali's bored at home.  Her and I weren't social butterflies, but we did run errands and have playdates.  Righrt now the Y is a saving grace for her.  Someone offered to stay at our house the other day with her and I had to laugh.  Poor thing needs out of the house as badly as I do! 

She was having an issue in the tub.  All of the sudden she wouldn't sit in it and would scream if you tried.  We were only letting my mom or JM try to bathe her because of it.  Not the time to introduce someone she's not comfortable with.  So tonight we tried a few variations.  We did bathtime about an hour earlier, thinking maybe she's just been too tired.  Also, I started it.  I got the water running and sat by the tub.  She loves playing in the water so she came right in.  I let her play leaning over the tub until she wanted to get in.  Then I let her stand in the tub until she sat down herself.  By the end, it was like old times.  So it was either we were doing it too late and she was tired, or I'm usually the only one to give her a bath.  It might have just been too many changes at once for her.  She's been such a good sport and so accomodating with everything else, she's allowed a few breakdowns!

I haven't been able to fall asleep until about 2 every morning so I'm going to hit the hay.  I think it's a combination of not being able to get comfortable and the addition of the iPhone.  JM will be home all night so it's going to be a Unisom kind of night!

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