Thursday, August 21, 2008

Day 1 Recap

I made it through my first Atkins day. And...I SURVIVED!!! I only ended up eating 9 net carbs, but I didn't eat any of the veggies, so I technically didn't do it completely right. Oh well, close enough for me!
Things I learned today:
1) Atkins Advantage Chocolate Chip Bar tastes like stale cardboard.
2) Atkins Day Break Chocolate Crisp Bar tastes like stale cardboard with artificial flavored chocolate cardboard chips.
3) Atkins Milk Chocolate Delight Shake is, in fact, no delight. More precisely, it was the most disgusting thing I have ever choked down.
But, I made it through the day. A little grumpy at the end, but I made it and there were no fatalities. Yet.

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