Friday, August 22, 2008

Day 2 in progress

I woke up starving. But then I got on the scale and was down 0.6 pounds. Not bad for the first weigh in! I had my motivation for the day.
I'm in the ICU today and it had been busy (until now, obviously) so I really hadn't thought too much about it. I woke up too late to pack lunch this morning, therefore I treated myself to a trip to the cafeteria and the salad bar. I'm not being sarcastic here, I really love our salad bar! I piled my bowl high with lettuce and spinach and cucumber and hard-boiled eggs. Added some cheese and grabbed a Ranch dressing and was on my way. Woo hoo!
Then, I walked into the department with my ever-so-exciting lunch. The smell of pasta and pizza almost knocked me off my feet. One person was eating Bazbeax's. Really? Come on now! Another person was eating Clarian's Healthy Choice meal for the day...lasanga! On top of that, they FINALLY filled our snack cart and what do you think was in it?!? Yep, HO HO'S!
Thinking I'd be smart I ate quickly and read my book to not notice all the wonderful food around me. Then I headed back up to the ICU. I had to take the elevator 6 floors with a woman with a HUGE slice of chocolate cake.
Now I find myself sitting here, proud of my day. One of my co-workers walks in and says the nurses had a pitch in for lunch and we can have the leftovers. He has proceeded to bring in (for all of us to share), 3 large chocolate chip cookies, 1 large brownie, 1 GINORMOUS piece of yellow cake, and a plate of soft tortillas to make tacos. How sweet of him.
I'm going to check on my patients before everyone notices the large puddle of drool on my keyboard.

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