Friday, April 30, 2010

It's going to be a girl!!!

We went for our ultrasound on Wednesday to get all the measurements and find out the sex of the baby.  Everything is measuring right on track.  The legs are a little long, putting her a little ahead of schedule, but JM and I are both tall so that was to be expected.  Other than that, she's right on time and developing perfectly!  After the first couple of minutes she became very uncooperative and the tech was very frustrated trying to get the measurements.  It took forever (at least it seemed), but all measurements were done and the gender was even determined. 

I was completely positive it was a boy and JM felt the same way it was a girl.  Halfway through the ultrasound the tech just puts on the screen "It's a girl!!!"  I was floored!  I even made her prove it to me!  (Yes, I was that annoying patient).  I asked if they just look for an absence of a penis or is there a way to actually tell.  She said there are three lines for the labia if it's a girl, and there are obviously 3 lines and no penis.  For the first time in our relationship, JM was right and I was wrong ;-)  I'm just hoping she doesn't have any gender identity issues because I've been calling her "he" this whole time!

We even had a bet on the sex and if JM won, we have to go to a Cubs game this summer.  I'm still looking for a way out of that.  I personally think being pregnant and sitting in a car for 3 hours each way AND sitting at a game where everyone else is drunk should be enough of a reason, but we'll see if it holds up :-)

Click on the title of the post and it takes you to the album.


Cindy Goldberg said...

Modern technology-amazing that you can watch your own child grow in the womb! And this was the 1st time you've been wrong in your relationship?!!! Congrats again.

Shannon Oliver Ladislas said...

Cindy, we'll just say it's the first time I'm ADMITTING to being wrong ;-)

Jennie said...

Ha! Love this story! I also love that JM has never been right! :)

We're so excited to meet your little girl!

Kathy Madvig said...

We are so excited for you and JM. Isn't it all such a miracle! Enjoy every minute because it goes way too fast!
Kathy & Kurt