Friday, April 13, 2007

Job Outlook

I went to a "woo-ing" session today after class at St. Francis Hospital. We call them woo-ing sessions because hospitals are so desperate for RT's right now they feed you and give you little souvenirs and try to talk you into working for them. I can start working as a student RT after my clinical session this summer, which will be towards the end of June.

St. Francis was ok. Itr's not the hospital I thought it was, though! I thought it was the one when you take 65 South that's on your right...the really nice, new, big one. Nope, it's this smaller one in the ghetto of the southside. It's a very old hospital and kind of creeps you out.

The lunch was nice and the people were incredibly nice and easy to talk to. It seems like it would be a good place to work as far as the staff and management go. Thing is, they're paying almost $3 less an hour than St. Vincent...and, it's further away. I'm not sure exactly where we're going to move it, but we've been planning to stay on the northwest/west side of town. I did schedule my interview with them though, it will be next Thursday afternoon. I figured I might as well go as many places as I can and find out what they have to offer. Maybe they'll love me and offer me more :-)

I had my interview at St. Vincent on Monday. It went awesome...I've never had an interview go that well. She said they'd let me know within 2 weeks, so I'm anxiously waiting. I would love to work there. I've heard some bad things from the seniors that worked there, but I liked the people and loved it when I did my clinicals there.

Keep your fingers crossed that I find something!!!!

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