Monday, April 23, 2007

she believed she could so she did

Today's reason to drink:
It's National Beer Day in Germany! Need I say more?

After what seemed like forever, I got a call today from St. Vincent hospital and they offered my the job!!! This is the hospital I really wanted. It pays the most, is in the part of town I wanted, offers more hours, and on top of all's been my favorite place during clinicals. I never had a bad experience or preceptor there and all the patients even seem nicer. I think that's partially because at St. V's they don't have to share rooms like they do at the other Indy hospitals.

Mom got me a cute little plaque that I had seen at Hallmark awhile back and said if I got the student job I wanted that I'd buy myself. It says "she believed she could so she did". Reminder that I didn't quit a real job and go back to school for nothing!

So, that's one thing taken care of! I officially am employed there on July 2nd and will start orientation on July 6th. I go in for a physical and drug screening on June 25th...I think I'll pass ;-).

JM was in town this weekend. He didn't get in till late on Friday because he took his Grandpa to the Cubs game. I babysat for the same people I did last weekend in which I had a horrible experience. Luckily, they were much better. Still had some problems with the son, but I just made him go to bed and that took care of it! Saturday we were supposed to go look at a couple of apartments, but it was beautiful out so we just went and got my old couch from my old house, walked the dogs, played with the neighbor kids and cooked out. My parents went out on Saturday night so we got to watch a movie on the big times! Sunday we went to brunch and started looking at some living options on the west side of town. JM got a call later in the day that the 3rd roommate who was going to move into his house now backed we're not sure if he'll be able to move out in July or if he'll have to pay for August as well. If that's the case, we can't get a new place until the end of August...we can't afford two rents!

Jill cancelled my babysitting this morning which worked out well because I was very tired. I slept in, went to the doctor's, and then went down to school to practice my lab checkoff for tomorrow. We'll have 4 different checkoffs: intubating a pediatric patient, intubating an adult, extubating, and inserting an LMA tube. I think I should be ok. My friend Tom and I scheduled our checkoffs for the last time slot, so we'll have a couple of hours before our checkoff to go over things in our heads. Afterwards we're going to head down to Acapulco Joe's for $4 margaritas to celebrate our last checkoffs of our student career and our last lab!!! Woo hoo!!!

For those who don't know, I was chosen for a marketing trial of a new FDA approved weight loss drug that comes out on the market in June. I got the pills in the mail last Monday and started them on Thursday. They work in your digestive tract, so there's no phen phen or anything crazy like that. You're supposed to try to limit your fat intake to about 15 grams/meal and you can't save them up for one meal or anything like you can in Weight Watchers. The pill (alli) will help your body rid about 25% of the fat you intake. So by decreasing your fat intake, alli will get rid of quite a bit of the rest. I think they say that alli will help you lose up to 50% more than dieting and exercising alone. For example, if you were to lose 10 pounds, alli would help you lose 15 instead. Anyways, since Thursday I've lost a pound :-) I've done really well and become accountable for what goes into my mouth. The more fat I intake, the more 'treatment effects' I get with alli...including oily gas and nice things like that. Motivation to stay on track! If you want to check it out, the website is:

Ok, I need to hit the hay. Have a good night!

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