Wednesday, March 24, 2010


I finally woke up after a long nap to blog about our doctor's appointment this morning.  Not sure if it's just the excitement of the visit, but every time we go to the doctor I have to take a nap afterwards!

Today was our 4 week routine visit.  For those of you who aren't keeping track (I just figure everyone is obsessing over it!), we are in the middle of the 14th week and officially in the second trimester (and Ladi is the size of a lemon).  My mom was able to join us at this appointment so it was great to have someone else hear our little Ladi's presence!

My weight was still a tad lower than my pre-pregnancy weight, so I guess the vomiting isn't ALL bad ;-).  My blood pressure was normal and everything else looked good.  The doctor was able to find the heartbeat outside my belly with the Doppler ultrasound.  She had to look around for a minute, which obviously stopped MY heart for a minute, but as soon as she went to the left side we heard the little glub glub.  The heartrate was down to 140, so it seemed much slower than last time!  Side note, we do not believe old wives' tales so please don't tell us how that means it's a boy a girl.  You never realize how annoying that gets until you're pregnant!!!

Anyways, since she was able to hear the heartbeat with the Doppler I can officially stop taking the progesterone pills!  Yay!  The doctor thinks that's why I'm still vomiting.  Prometrium is incredibly hard on your stomach and she had the same problem when she took them.  (Therefore, we also do not believe the old wive's tale about nausea meaning it's a boy or that can stop, too!).  I admit, I'm nervous to stop taking them.  They've been like a safety net to me.  But, I have to keep reminding myself that the baby is doing great and has a nice, strong heartbeat. 

We were also given the estimated payment plan for the doctor's portion of the delivery (so much for the second trimester being the easiest!) and we start making those payments at the next appointment.  My initial reaction was that this stinks, but I'm sure we'll end up with other bills after the birth, so it will be nice to have this one out of the way while we have 2 incomes!  Side note, no, I'm not quiting my job after the baby.  I am, however, a supplemental employee which means no benefits and no PTO, so we will not have my income while I'm at home for 12 weeks. 

I had my blood retested to make sure the thyroid medicine is still at the correct dosage and we'll probably hear back about that in a few days, but it's not something I'm concerned about.  We go back April 21st (4 weeks from today) for another routine visit, and then we will go back 1-2 weeks after that for the big ultrasound and to find out the sex!!!  Yay!  6 weeks seems like it's going to be a long time, but hopefully it will go fast!  I'm so anxious to find out what it is and start buying buying buying!!!

Also, I think I'm officially out of normal sized clothing and into maternity.  From what I've read, this is about the time it happens, but I'm sure I'm showing a little more than normal since I had absolutely no ab muscles to begin with.  At least in maternity clothes I look pregnant and not just fat!  We're finding it so funny to see my belly grow and grow.  However, I still want to find a shirt that says, "I'm pregnant, not just fat!" 

Hope everyone's doing well.  I'm attempting to go back to my prenatal water aerobics class tonight after a 3 week hiatus.  My first week off was because my morning sickness was hitting at night, then the next week I had plans, then last week the horrible cold started that day.  I even bought a new maternity bathing suit to celebrate going back tonight!

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