Monday, March 8, 2010

Love Our Plums!

There's not much to report on the baby front, which is a good thing!  No unexpected doctor's visits...we haven't even had to call the office for anything!  4 weeks feels like a long time to wait between appointments, especially when the only symptoms of pregnancy are being tired and sick.  I feel more confident at this point and I'm becoming more confident in knowing my own body, so I'm fine with the waiting. 

Some of you already know, but the nausea became fairly intolerable at one point about 3 weeks ago.  Since then I've had good days and bad days, usually more bad than good.  JM was able to get my Zofran refilled at Costco so that's helped.  The vitamin B6 and Unisom didn't seem to do a whole lot other than knock me out.  Even half of a Unisom dose makes me incredibly groggy the next day, so I try not to take it too often.  Surprisingly enough, I haven't vomited since Friday night (and it's now Monday morning).  There have been a couple of bad nausea spells, but that's it.  Let's hope that means I'm moving out of this phase!  The drowsiness seems to have picked up in the last few days, but as long as I can get through the workday without falling asleep (or at least having no one notice I'm asleep) it's doable.

We turned 12 weeks yesterday and Ladi is now the size of a large, fresh plum.  There was a 'life-sized' picture in one of our books and the baby is about the length of my finger.  It amazes me that there's something growing inside me that size that's moving around, opening and closing it's mouth, even hiccuping, and I have absolutley no idea this is going on.  I can't wait until I can start feeling it!  Another thing that amazes me is that at this point, everything is done forming.  Now it's just 28 weeks of maturing and growing. 

I hope everyone had as nice as weather as we did over the weekend and were able to take advantage of it.  Friday I had lunch with some friends and then did a little window shopping at the outdoor mall.  After that JM and I took Kodi for a very big walk around the neighborhood while the cleaning ladies made our house respectable again.  Then we went to the mall to try to find maternity clothes...ended up being a very unproductive night.  The store in the mall closed, so we went to the Amish furniture store to look at gliders and they closed at 7 (it was 7:05).  We called it quits after that and ate dinner at Outback.  Saturday was so beautiful we took Kodi to Broad Ripple to walk around a different neighborhood.  Even stopped at The Three Dog Bakery to get Kodi a pupcake.  JM got the grill out and running that night and I grilled bratwurst to welcome in the warm weather.  Yesterday wasn't as pretty out, but still warm so we met up with Mom and her doggies at Ft. Ben and walked for about an hour.  The rain drizzled on us for a bit but we didn't melt.  We finished out the day with butterburgers and sundaes at Culver's.  By the time we got home I was so exhausted I got a shower and was in bed by 7:30!

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