Monday, March 1, 2010

Second routine doctor's appointment

Last Wednesday we went for our second routine doctor's appointment and I totally forgot to blog! I had to come home and take a nap afterwards, so that's my excuse.

The appointment didn't consist of much, which tends to be a good sign. Vitals were taken (turns out I've actually lost weight since we got good thing about the nausea and vomiting) and then the doctor told us about her policies and answered our questions. We'll go in for appointments every 4 weeks now until I'm about 28 weeks. At our next appointment (March 24th) we will be able to hear the heartbeat outside my tummy...should be very exciting!

We will find out the sex in an ultrasound between 18 and 20 weeks. I turned 11 weeks yesterday so we've still got a little ways. Right now Ladi is the size of a large lime :-)

That's about it for now. The nausea and vomiting are still a daily (at least once a day) occurence. I ran out of my Zofran and the doctor suggested taking Vitamin B6 and Unisom. Odd, but I'm desperate. I think we'll start trying that tonight.

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