Sunday, March 28, 2010

Being the clutz that I am...

This morning at work I was going about my business and feeling pretty good (the vomiting hit BEFORE I went to work this morning so I didn't need to take any breaks at work!) when I went into the breakroom to grab my yogurt.  Turns out the floor was just mopped and no sign had been put up and I slipped and fell in a decent amount of water.  I banged up my left arm by wrapping it through a chair to try to catch myself and scraped up my right knee when I fell because catching myself didn't work.

I went down to see my supervisor solely to ask for a bandaid and after talking to a few people it was decided that it would be in my best interest to go to the ER due to the pregnancy.  I almost didn't go because, let's face it, who wants to go to an ER and say they fell down?  But then I thought of all the things that could've happened, placenta tear, etc., and figured I might as well go while I'm at work.  What if I got home and then there was bleeding?  Then I'd have to go to an ER and pay!

Anyways, I get to the ER where the nurse was so sweet and so concerned (she kept saying she's a grandma and grandma's worry!).  She bandaged up my knee and the doctor came in to tell me I had a bone contusion...just a bone bruise, but it sounds better.  Then she tried to find Ladi's heartrate with a Doppler.  She tried and tried and just couldn't find it.  I wasn't too worried, she mentioned many times that she's an adult ER nurse and she has a VERY hard time finding babies' heartrates, especially early on in the pregnancy.  After a lot of looking, she transferred me up to OB to have them find it.  The nurse up there couldn't find it with the small Doppler, so I did start to worry just a bit by now.  But then she brought in a larger area Doppler (no comments about how my belly needed a larger surface, please) and she was able to hear it.  Turns out the reason they had trouble finding it today was because Ladi's heartbeat is hiding behind one of my arteries.  Therefore, every time the Doppler would cross that area we couldn't hear Ladi's little whisper because of my big glub glub!

So the heartbeat was found and they sent me back to the ER to be discharged.  Before that happened, they asked me if I knew if I was Rh negative or positive.  Of course my doctor tested me, but I had no idea what the result was!  I was assuming it was the 'good one' to be because no one mentioned me needing any shots later on.  The ER doctor wanted to be a little more sure than my assumption, so I had to get labwork done to verify.  Turns out the fall would cause my body to make antibodies and if I was Rh negative, those antibodies would hurt the baby.  They didn't want me to go back to work in case this was the situation so I got to sit in a freezing cold side room for over an hour while the lab ran my blood.  The check in lady was very sweet though and got me a warm blanket. 

Finally, the results came back and everything looked great.  Even turns out the blood tyep I always thought I have is wrong!  I always thought I was O (no idea why, maybe because my last name started with an O???) and it's really B.  I was able to go back to work after a little 3 hour hiatus, but it was worth it to put my mind at ease AND I got to hear the heartbeat again!!!

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